New York State IMPACT Center

An interdisciplinary approach to migrant health

The New York Immigrant Provider Action (IMPACT) Center is designed to respond to the multifaceted and evolving needs of migrant-serving organizations, including the need for a comprehensive information source on migrant-focused service providers, resources, and data. The goal of the resource center is to strengthen and support the work of migrant serving organizations across New York City and State by providing an accessible and inclusive space for organizational staff to exchange best practices, learn new skills, review the latest in immigrant health policy and research, and connect with similar organizations across the state.

Community health promotional materials, open-source publications, open-access datasets, programming toolkits, and a policy directory with legal briefs.

Search over 700 organizations working in almost 1000 locations across New York City and State. Organized by type of service sought, staff languages, cost, and more.

Learning opportunities for migrant-serving organizational staff. Live and archived virtual courses, workshops, and trainings relevant to working with immigrant populations.

The NYS IMPACT Community Advisory Board

Our community advisory board members play an important role in shaping the content and function of the NYS IMPACT Center. The community advisory board meets on a bi-monthly basis to review resource center updates and discuss regional and thematic priority areas of focus for New York City & State.