Amena El-Harakeh
CIRGH Research Fellow
Amena is a public health researcher and a Community Health and Health Policy PhD student at CUNY SPH. She works as a research assistant with Dr. Sean Haley on several health systems related projects with a focus on migrant health and alcohol prevention policy. Amena received her BSc in Environmental Health and her Master’s in Public Health with a concentration in Health Management and Policy from the American University of Beirut (AUB). She is the recipient of the Penrose Award that recognizes a graduating public health student who demonstrates excellence in scholarship, character, leadership, and contribution to university life. She was also inducted into the Delta Omega Honorary Society of Public Health.
Amena previously worked as a research assistant at the Center for Systematic Reviews on Health Policy and Systems Research (SPARK) at AUB. She led and was involved in multiple systematic reviews commissioned by the World Health Organization on topics related to human resources for health, menthol and addictiveness to tobacco products, and treatments of visceral leishmaniasis in HIV-coinfected patients. She was a member of the “COVID-19 Systematic Urgent Reviews Group Effort (SURGE)”, which was co-led by researchers from AUB and McMaster University. The group was commissioned by WHO to conduct rapid systematic reviews on the following topics: ventilation techniques; physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection; and safe management of bodies of deceased persons with COVID-19. The studies were published in top ranked medical journals including the Lancet and the Annals of Internal Medicine. Amena was also the lead researcher on a collaborative study between AUB and McMaster University evaluating how evidence synthesis and guideline development groups responded to the pandemic. Amena has diverse research interests including global health, health policy and systems research, migrant health, health equity, evidence synthesis methodology, and priority setting for health research.